Избран новый состав Центрального комитета Всемирного Совета Церквей
Порту-Аллегри (Бразилия), 24 февраля, ENI/Благовест-инфо. Девятая ассамблея Всемирного Совета Церквей (ВСЦ) избрала 22 февраля высший руководящий орган этого экуменического объединения – Центральный комитет, в состав которого вошли 150 человек. По изначальному плану, избрание должно было состояться двумя днями раньше, однако было отложено из-за споров по поводу возраста кандидатов – в предвыборном списке было мало делегатов от 18 до 30 лет.
22 февраля также были избраны восемь президентов Ассамблеи – по одному на каждый глобальный регион и по одному от восточноправославных (дохалкидонских) и православных Церквей.
Новый состав ЦК и президенты будут исполнять свои обязанности в течение семи лет, до тех пор, пока не соберется новая ассамблея ВСЦ.
Среди новых членов ЦК – 87 мужчин и 63 женщины, 97 священнослужителей и 53 мирянина, 22 представителя молодежи, 6 представителей коренных народностей и один человек с ограниченными физическими возможностями.
Новыми региональными президентами были избраны:
Азия: преподобный Соритуа Набабан, Протестантская христианская Церковь Батак (Индонезия);
Африка: преподобный Симон Доссу, Методистская Церковь Бенина;
Латинская Америка и Карибский регион: пастор Офелия Ортега, Пресвитерианско-реформатская Церковь Кубы;
Европа – Мэри Таннер, Церковь Англии;
Северная Америка – пастор Бернис Пауэлл Джексон, Объединенная Церковь Христа (США);
Тихоокеанский регион – Джон Тароануи Доом, Протестантская Церковь Маои (Французская Полинезия);
Восточноправославные Церкви – Патриарх Абуне Павлос, Эфиопская православная Церковь;
Православные Церкви – архиепископ Тиранский Анастасий, Православная автокефальная Церковь Албании.
- Лёха - 03.10.2007 21:59
Вован, ты лучше по-русски пиши, не выпендривайся, а то понаписал целую портянку, а не хрена не понятно
- Bob - 26.02.2006 18:23
Accusations of Misused Money Roil Orthodox Church
By Alan Cooperman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, February 26, 2006; A09
Allegations of financial misconduct are rocking the
Orthodox Church in America, whose former treasurer
says top officials misappropriated millions of dollars
in donations from agribusiness titan Dwayne Andreas,
U.S. military chaplains and ordinary parishioners
across the country.
The highest officers of the 400,000-member
denomination, an offshoot of the Russian Orthodox
Church, are accused of using the money to cover
personal credit card bills, pay sexual blackmail,
support family members and make up shortfalls in
various church accounts.
The former treasurer, Deacon Eric A. Wheeler, said the
greatest fear of the church's leaders in the late
1990s was that Andreas, the retired chairman of Archer
Daniels Midland Co., would visit Moscow and discover
that they had not used his donations to renovate a
church and build a conference center. So they prepared
a modern-day Potemkin village, ordering a brass plaque
that could instantly transform a Moscow law office
into the "Andreas Conference and Communications
Center," he said.
The potential scandal will come to a head Wednesday
when the church's governing body of 10 bishops, the
Holy Synod, is scheduled to meet behind closed doors
at its headquarters in Syosset, N.Y., to consider
demands from some bishops, priests and parishioners
for an internal investigation and an independent audit
going back to 1996.
Although most of the money allegedly went astray in
the 1990s, the accusations have emerged only in recent
weeks. Wheeler first detailed them in a confidential
letter to the bishops in October. Since Jan. 7, a
watchdog group called Orthodox Christians for
Accountability has posted the letter, other documents
and commentary on its Web site,
http://www.ocanews.org/ .
Some of the Internet postings from church members
across the country are skeptical of the former
treasurer's claims. But many express frustration that
the church's leaders have not publicly responded to
the allegations at all, even to refute them.
"Naturally enough, the men involved have circled the
wagons Cardinal Law-style," the Rev. Paul Harrilchak
wrote in an open letter to his parishioners at Holy
Trinity Orthodox Church in Reston.
Mark Stokoe, the Web site's editor, said that church
leaders have privately dismissed Wheeler as a
"disgruntled former employee" who was fired in 1999.
But he said that other insiders, including the
church's former corporate secretary, Paul Hunchak,
have come forward to corroborate parts of Wheeler's
"And the amazing thing about Wheeler's accusations is
that they are incredibly detailed, and he is admitting
he went along with it -- he's implicating himself,"
Stokoe said.
The Orthodox Church in America is part of the family
of Eastern Orthodox churches that separated from the
Roman Catholic Church in the 11th century. Although
sometimes colloquially called the Russian Orthodox
Church in the United States, it has been
administratively independent of Moscow since 1970.
As the scandal has reverberated through the church's
700 parishes, it has also sown dissension among the
church's bearded, black-robed prelates, the most
senior of whom has the title metropolitan.
Metropolitan Herman, the archbishop of New York and
Washington who is first among equals in the Holy
Synod, has directed church officials not to discuss
the matter publicly. Archbishop Tikhon of San
Francisco has urged the synod to discipline Archbishop
Job of Chicago -- not because Job is in any way
implicated in the scandal, but because he has called
for a church commission to conduct an investigation.
"My question is very simple: Are the allegations true,
or are they false? And to this day I have no answer,"
Job said in a telephone interview. He added that two
bishops have privately agreed with him that an
investigation is needed, but "unfortunately they have
not made that public."
In addition to serving as treasurer of the Orthodox
Church in America from 1996 to 1999, Wheeler was
personal secretary to its former head, Metropolitan
Theodosius, who retired in 2002. Wheeler said that
after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Theodosius
asked Andreas for .5 million to renovate the U.S.
church's property in Moscow, including St. Catherine's
Embassy Church, and build a conference center.
Andreas, whose agricultural company was seeking to do
business in Russia, and who had forged a friendship
with Mikhail Gorbachev, began sending the money in
0,000 installments in June 1995.
Wheeler said he prepared progress reports twice a year
to give to Andreas. The reports, signed by Chancellor
Robert S. Kondratick, "were quite detailed on paper,"
he said in his letter to the bishops last fall. But,
in reality, St. Catherine's Church was renovated with
funds raised in Moscow, the conference center was
never built, and Andreas's 0,000 checks were
diverted to the metropolitan's "discretionary
account," Wheeler said.
Brian Peterson, senior vice president for corporate
affairs at Archer Daniels Midland, said that Andreas,
87, no longer gives interviews. But Peterson confirmed
that the ADM Foundation donated .95 million to the
Orthodox Church in America from 1993 to 1999. Tax
records show that the Andreas Foundation, a separate
family charity, contributed an additional .3
"Up until now, we had absolutely no reason to be
concerned that these funds weren't used for their
intended purpose," he said. "If there are credible
allegations, of course, we'd be quite concerned."
According to Wheeler, in 1993 the church received a
,838 donation from the U.S. Department of Army
Chaplains to distribute Bibles in Russia, but the
Bibles were never purchased. Meanwhile, "the budget
was tapped for regular payments to cover Father
Kondratick's personal Platinum AMEX card in the
amounts of approximately ,000 to ,000 per month,"
Wheeler's letter said.
"The prevailing financial climate at the chancery was
always one of concealment. . . . Funds were needed to
safeguard the church from scandal, cover embarrassing
credit card debts incurred by the Metropolitan,
provide family members who leached off their relatives
with a steady stream of assistance, pay blackmail
requests and provide the means to entertain with
dinners, trips and gifts of cash the visiting foreign
dignitaries and 'friends of Syosset,' " he wrote.
Wheeler declined in an interview to provide any detail
on the alleged blackmail.
Through aides, Theodosius and Kondratick declined to
comment on any of the allegations, citing Metropolitan
Herman's request for silence.
Wheeler said he has been questioned by the FBI about
tens of thousands of dollars in cash that he says were
taken into Russia, without customs declarations, by
Orthodox priests.
The longer the church's leadership resists launching
an internal investigation, he said, the more probable
it is that a federal, state or local prosecutor, or
the Internal Revenue Service, will begin an outside
© 2006 The Washington Post Company
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